Being different is O.K.

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   am      brother      children      computer      different      fists      go      have      kind      laugh      ordinary      questions      read      sentences      small      talk      treat      type      use      wear   
By Rosie, aged 8, from the Isle of Wight

My name is Rosie and I eight years old. I Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. I am very for my age and am the same size as my three-year-old .
I cannot speak, but I a computer with symbols and photos that speaks when I touch it.

I usually to a special school, but on Wednesday mornings I go to an school. I like to be with ordinary children and I like it when they are to me.

Some children at me because I can't or because I still have to nappies. This makes me sad and angry. I think the best children are those who just me as a friend.

My mum has helped me this and she helps me to use my , too. Mum asks me and I answer by looking at the right choice or by clenching my . I say yes with my right hand and no with my left hand.

I can and I can spell, but I am not very good at putting whole together.

Please treat other as you would like to treated. Being is O.K.